The new school year is off to a fantastic start at West Bountiful Elementary! Students have eagerly jumped into their studies, diving into reading, writing, math, science, and history. Their enthusiasm is infectious, setting a joyful tone across the school.
In addition to their core subjects, students are enjoying their prep time classes, including STEAM with Ms. Michelle, PE with Mrs. Garlick, and Computer Science with Mrs. Godwin. We're thrilled to announce that library classes with Ms. Jessi will begin on Monday, August 26th!
As part of our commitment to academic excellence, kindergarten through sixth-grade students will be taking their beginning-of-year reading assessments. Kindergarten through third-grade students will also be completing their beginning-of-year math assessments. These assessments help us tailor our teaching to support each student's growth.
Don't forget to check out the Monday West Bountiful Elementary Community News, released at 4:00 p.m. each Monday, for the top news events of the week.
We've started the year with excitement and joy and love the positive energy our students bring to each day!